The XG Mobile Promotion Forum (XGMF) was asked by the Ministry of Digital Development of Taiwan to speak at the Private 5G Networks x Innovation Day held at the Huashan 1914 Creative Park in Taiwan (Taipei) on November 8-9, 2024.
The "5G TechConnect: Global Innovation & Collaboration Forum" session will feature Koichiro Fujimoto, Senior Business Manager/Senior Technology Evangelist, Aerospace Business Division, NEC Corporation and Yasuhito Tanaka, Manager, HAPS Promotion Department, Ubiquitous Network Planning Division, SoftBank Corp. Mr. Akihiro Nakao, co-chairman of XGMF (Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo), spoke at the "Industry application sharing" session.
Mr. Fujimoto of NEC Corporation gave a presentation titled "Evolution of Enterprise Networks through Satellite Communications," introducing local 5G use cases in factories and outdoor applications such as arenas and golf courses, and explaining the incorporation of space communications networks as a means of solving future issues. Mr. Tanaka of SoftBank gave a presentation titled "Development of HAPS (High Altitude Platform Station) at SoftBank", introducing the features and effectiveness of HAPS, the development of batteries and motors for stratospheric use, and flight tests of the large unmanned aerial vehicle "Sunglider".
NEC Fujimoto (left), Softbank Tanaka (center), group photo (right)
Mr. Nakao, co-chairperson of XGMF, gave an overview of XGMF, titled "Promoting 5G and 6G Technologies through Global Collaboration," and also introduced 5G research cases and 6G that the Nakao Laboratory of the University of Tokyo is working on.
At the exhibition booth, there were many examples of 5G applications in Taiwan, including XR, smart manufacturing, smart agriculture, and smart healthcare.
After the meeting, the participants exchanged information and opinions with the Digital Industry Office, and agreed to continue active exchanges on 5G deployment and 6G development.
XGMF co-chair Nakao (left), exhibition booth (center), information and opinion exchange session (right)