The video of the "International Workshop on the Promotion of Millimeter Waves for 5G" at the "Wireless Technology Park (WTP) 2024" has been released


We held the "International Workshop on the Promotion of Millimeter Waves for 5G" by the Millimeter Wave Promotion Ad Hoc at the "Wireless Technology Park (WTP) " at Tokyo Big Sight on Friday, May 31, 2024.
The lectures from that day have been posted on the XGMF video channel on YouTube. Please take a look at them.

Summary Report on WTP2024's 5G/Local 5G Millimeter Wave Dissemination Event

speaker Lecture Title video
Opening Remarks Mr. Naohiko Ogihara
Director-General Radio Department, Telecommunications Bureau,
(Simultaneous interpretation) video
Session 1 Mr. Takanori Masuko
Director, New Generation Mobile Communications Office, Telecommunications Bureau,
Japan's government policy and promotion on mm wave
(Simultaneous interpretation) Materials
Session 2 Mr. Sam Guirguis
Senior Director, Technology, Qualcomm
Global status on 5G mmW deployment (online)
Session 3 Mr. Christopher Price
Director, Advanced Technology, Asia Pacific, Ericsson
mmWave solutions and opportunities     
Session 4 Mr. Mike Smathers
Head of Technology Marketing, Mobile Networks, Nokia
Millimeter Steps Forward (Online) video
Session 5 Mr. Daniel Liu
Deputy Director, Digital Transformation Research Institute, Institute for Information Industry
The Development of 5G Vertical Applications in Taiwan     
Session 6 Mr. Tetsuya Fukuhara
Corporate Officer, Innovation Strategy, NHK Enterprises, Inc.
Free from cables -5G for live entertainment
(Simultaneous interpretation)
Panel discussion Moderator: Mr. Takehiro Nakamura
(Char, Millimeter Wave Promotion Ad Hoc, NTT Docomo)

Panelist: Mr. Masakazu Shirota
(Vice-chair, Millimeter Wave Promotion Ad Hoc, Qualcomm Japan)

     Mr. Christopher Price

     Mr. Mike Smathers

     Mr. Tetsuya Fukuhara
(NHK Enterprises)

     Mr. Daniel Liu
(Taiwan Foundation for Information Technology and Industrial Development)
*1 MIC: Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications