Project No. XGMF-PJ2420

Updating the Future of Manufacturing
Manufacturing (factories, etc.) × XG

Update on future manufacturing Manufacturing (factories, etc.) x XG

In recent years, many manufacturing companies have been trying to create products that are intricately intertwined with various devices, such as robots and updates to production activities, under the banner of DX and smart factories. On the other hand, for workers, it is difficult to work remotely because they work in factories, which means that they have to be onsite.
Monozukuri once supported the Japanese economy. We launched this project with the thought, "If we could update every aspect of manufacturing in the future..." "What can we do?"

Purpose of Activity

Providing a place for manufacturing x XG to create new value


[XGMF-PJ-2420]Updating the Future of Manufacturing Manufacturing (factories, etc.) × XG [2024.10.21]


project leader

ON BOARD Co., Ltd.


(Titles omitted)

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