Project No. XGMF-PJ2413

Space × Ground Use Case Study Project

Space × Ground Use Case Study Project

Activity Objectives and Goals

We are launching this event as a place to connect space and satellite related businesses and users. As there are many unknown areas, we will start by providing information, so please feel free to join us!

[ Purpose ]
With the growing interest in space utilization, including satellite constellations, there is a need to lead the world by achieving SX (Space Transformation), which will transform the economy and society through activities in space. However, there is a big gap between satellite-related companies and satellite users, and it is difficult to create innovation and transform society if the current situation remains unchanged. It is necessary for both parties to come closer to each other and deepen their understanding. Therefore, this project will examine the world of digital infrastructure and specific use cases in which satellite constellations are implemented in order for both parties to share better goals and work together.

[ Target ]
In FY2024, the goal is to launch this discussion forum and define specific actions for the following years and beyond; in FY2025 and beyond, the current status of satellite-related projects, sharing of operators' knowledge, and sharing of satellite users' expectations and requests.
In addition, since there is a need for integrated discussions on the use of radio waves in space and on the ground in the future, an additional objective is to provide a forum where participants from both sectors can be invited to discuss these topics.


(1) Study of the digital infrastructure in which satellite constellations are implemented

(2) Study of Satellite Applications on the Ground

Purpose and Outline
FUJIMOTO, Koichirou

project leader

NEC Corporation

FUJIMOTO, Koichirou

NEC Corporation HASHIGUCHI, Shota / HIDAKA, Norio / EBISU, Kanji

(Titles omitted)

If you are interested in attending, please contact the secretariat.

XGMF Secretariat: