Terms and ConditionsBy-low / Join XGMF

XGMF Articles of Agreement


Article 1.

This Forum shall be known as the "XG Mobile Promotion Forum" (hereinafter referred to as the "Forum"). shall be referred to as "XG Mobile Promotion Forum" (hereinafter referred to as "the Society").
The English name of the Forum shall be "XG Mobile Promotion Forum", abbreviated as "XGMF".


Article 2.

The purpose of this forum is to promote the diffusion of mobile services and the development of mobile business in order to respond to changing needs for mobile communications, and to contribute to the strengthening of the growth potential of the information and communications industry by taking an international leadership role in the Beyond 5G/6G era and creating innovative technologies and new use cases that are not bound by conventional wisdom or convention. The objective is to contribute to the enhancement of the growth potential of the information and telecommunications industry by promoting the diffusion of mobile services and the development of mobile businesses.


Article 3.

The Society shall carry out the following activities in order to achieve the objectives described in the preceding article. 

(1) Surveys and research on technology development and standardization related to 5G advancement and 6G
(2) Collection and dissemination of information on 5G/6G in Japan and overseas and collaboration with other organizations
(3) Liaison and coordination with related organizations concerning 5G/6G
(4) Activities for promotion and social implementation of 5G/6G
(5) Other activities necessary to achieve the objectives of the Society

regular member

Article 4.

The regular members of the Society shall consist of the following members who agree with the purpose of the Society and have submitted the application for membership as described in the following article. 

  1. General Members Registered members of commercial and corporate registered organizations in Japan
  2. Individual Members Individuals, such as academics, etc.


Article 5.

Those who wish to join the Society must submit an application for membership and receive approval from the Society's representative.

Payment of annual membership fee, etc.

Article 6.

General members must pay annual membership dues of 150,000 yen per fiscal year.

Annual membership dues already paid by general members shall not be refunded.

withdrawal from a group

Article 7.

A person who wishes to withdraw from the Society must notify the Society in writing.

The Representative (Article 8) may terminate a member's membership if he/she finds that the member falls under any of the following items

(1) When it is recognized that the applicant has violated laws and ordinances or acted against public order and morals
(2) When the applicant is recognized as an antisocial force or group or its related party.
(3) When it is recognized that there are other special reasons to withdraw the membership.


Article 8.

The Society shall have the following officers 

(1) Representative 1 person 2 persons in case of joint representative
(2) One vice-president (not required for co-presidents)
(3) Accounting audit 1 person

Appointment of directors, etc.

Article 9.

Officers shall be elected from among the regular members at the General Assembly.

The Representative of the Society shall preside over the affairs of the Society. The Treasurer Auditors shall audit the accounts of the Society.
The term of office for officers shall be one year. However, reappointment is not precluded, but the maximum term of office shall be four (4) years.

special member

Article 10.

The President of the Society may request and commission corporations and organizations that he/she deems useful and necessary in their fields of expertise to participate as special members in order to conduct the business of the Society.

associate member

Article 11.

An Associate Member of the Society shall be a member of the former 5th Generation Mobile Promotion Forum or the former Beyond 5G Promotion Consortium who has registered to become an Associate Member and has not registered as a Regular Member.

2. no membership fee shall be charged.
3. participation in general meetings, projects, and other meeting bodies is not permitted.
4. no new applications will be accepted.
5. after a certain period of time, abolished by the approval of the Representative.


Article 12.

The Society may appoint a facilitator to support, promote, and play other roles in organizing, activating, and coordinating the activities of members' projects (as described in Article 15).

Facilitators shall be appointed by the Representative of the Society.
The facilitator's term of office shall be one year. However, reappointment is not precluded, but the maximum term shall be three (3) years.
4. registered members of the general membership, individual members and special members may also serve as facilitators.

Special Advisor

Article 13.

The Society may appoint a Special Advisor to provide advice on the activities of the Project (as described in Article 15) and the operation of the PMO (as described in Article 16) in his/her area of expertise.

Special Advisors shall be appointed by the President of the Society.
The term of office of a Special Advisor shall be one year. However, reappointment is not precluded, but the maximum term shall be three (3) years.
Registered members of the General Membership, Individual Members, and Members-at-Large may also serve as Special Advisors.

general meeting

Article 14.

The General Assembly shall be convened by the President or a delegated representative, and shall consist of regular members and special members.

The annual general meeting shall be held approximately once a year, and other general meetings shall be held when deemed necessary by the representative.
The general meeting may be held in writing or by e-mail, if necessary.
A general meeting shall be deemed valid when at least one-half of the general members are present.
5. a General Member who is unable to attend a General Meeting may delegate his/her authority to the Chairperson of the General Meeting or to another General Member.
In such cases, such members shall be deemed to have attended the General Assembly.
6. the representative shall chair the general meeting.
The agenda of the General Assembly shall be decided by a majority vote of the general members present, and in the event of a tie, the chairperson shall make the decision.
In addition to the matters provided for elsewhere in these Rules and Regulations, the General Assembly shall vote on the following matters

(1) Amendments to these Rules and Regulations
(2) Business Plan and Income and Expenditure Plan
(3) Business Report and Settlement of Accounts
(4) Other important matters related to the management of the Society


Article 15.

When necessary for the management of the Society's business, a project may be placed with the confirmation of the PMO (as described in Article 16).

The composition and jurisdiction of the project shall be determined separately.
3. the project shall consist of regular members and special members who wish to participate.
The leader of the project shall be elected by the members of each project from among themselves.
The term of office of the Project Leader shall be a maximum of three (3) years.
6. matters necessary for the management of the project shall be determined by the PMO.

Project Management Office

Article 16.

The Project Management Office (hereinafter referred to as "PMO") shall be established in the Society. (hereinafter referred to as "PMO") shall be established in the Society.

The PMO shall consist of the Representative/Vice Representative (Co-Chair), Project Leader, Facilitator, Special Advisor and Secretariat. In addition, members of the Society who are deemed necessary by the Representative may participate in the PMO.
3. hold PMO meetings from time to time as needed, convened and hosted by the Representative.


Article 17.

The Society shall establish a Secretariat within the PMO to handle the affairs of the Society. 

2. the secretariat shall be served by the Association of Radio Industries and Businesses, Japan.
In carrying out its duties, the Secretariat may enlist the cooperation of the Information and Communication Technology Committee of Japan, Inc.
The Secretariat shall have a Secretary General who shall oversee the affairs of the Association. The Representative shall appoint the Secretary General from among the members of the Secretariat.


Article 18.

Expenses necessary for the operation of the Society shall be met from annual membership fees, donations, and other miscellaneous income. 

2. In addition to the expenses mentioned in the preceding paragraph, the Society may collect contributions from the members participating in the project for expenses incurred when conducting surveys, etc. on the project as part of the Society's business.

fiscal year 

Article 19.

The fiscal year of the Society shall begin on April 1 of each year and end on March 31 of the following year.

supplementary provisions

These Rules and Regulations shall come into effect as of the date of incorporation (April 1, 2024).
2. notwithstanding the provisions of Article 9 of this constitution, the term of office of the officers of the Society for the year of its incorporation shall begin on the date of the founding meeting (June 7, 2024) and end on March 31, 2025.


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Overview of the XG Mobile Promotion Forum


The XGMF aims to promote the spread of mobile services and the development of mobile businesses in order to meet the changing needs for mobile communications, and to contribute to the strengthening of the growth potential of the information and communications industry by taking an international leadership role in the Beyond 5G/6G era and creating innovative technologies and new use cases that are not bound by conventional wisdom and conventions. The purpose of the project is to contribute to the enhancement of the growth potential of the information and telecommunications industry by promoting the diffusion of mobile services and the development of mobile businesses in order to meet the changing needs of mobile communications.


The Society will carry out the following activities to achieve the objectives of the Forum.

  1. Research and studies on technology development and standardization related to 5G sophistication and 6G
  2. Collection and dissemination of information on 5G/6G in Japan and overseas and collaboration with other organizations
  3. Liaison and coordination with related organizations regarding 5G/6G
  4. Promotion and social implementation activities related to 5G/6G
  5. Other activities necessary to achieve the objectives of the Society

Regular member

The regular members of the Society shall consist of the following members who agree with the purpose of the Society and have submitted an application for membership as described in the following article.

General Members Registered members of commercial and corporate registered organizations in Japan
Individual Members Individuals, such as academics, etc.

Annual membership fee

General members are required to pay annual membership dues of 150,000 yen per fiscal year.

For inquiries, please contact

Name XG Mobile Promotion Forum (XGMF),
Postal code 100-0013
Address Nittochi Building 11F, 1-4-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
(In the Association of Radio Industries and Businesses, Japan)
Phone 03-5510-8594
E-Mail contact_atmark_xgmf.jp (replace "_atmark_" with @)