XG Mobile Promotion Forum 2024 Annual General Meeting Held

XG Mobile Promotion Forum 2024 Annual General Meeting

XG Mobile Promotion Forum (XGMF) held its annual general meeting for fiscal year 2024 at Meiji Kinenkan on Monday, March 10, with 116 participants (88 general members) in the hall and 62 participants online. This was the first annual general meeting of the newly established XGMF, which merged the 5G Mobile Promotion Forum and the Beyond 5G Consortium on April 1, 2024.

The general meeting was chaired by Mr. Nishioka, Director of ARIB (Secretary General of XGMF). At the beginning of the meeting, Dr. Nakao, Co-Chair of ARIB, made a speech on 5G and 6G promotion, saying, "I hope that infrastructure investment will proceed strategically and efficiently, while sharing the priorities of each country. Next, Mr. Naohiko Ogihara, Director of the Radio Department, Telecommunications Infrastructure Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, gave a speech as a guest of honor. Mr. Ogiwara stated that "5G infrastructure has become widespread, but the creation and development of businesses that utilize it continues to be a challenge, and the MIC has high expectations for the XGMF's study structure, which involves people from various fields and promotes activities for commercialization from the user's perspective. The MIC will also work together to ensure that the results of XGMF activities will lead to the development of the Beyond 5G market both in Japan and abroad.

Mr. Nishioka, ARIB

Mr. Nishioka, ARIB

Dr. Nakao, University of Tokyo

Dr. Nakao, University of Tokyo

In the deliberation on the agenda, Dr. Morikawa, Co-Chairperson, was elected as the chairperson, and Mr. Nishioka, Secretary General, explained the three proposals: Proposal 1, "Activity Report and Settlement of Accounts for FY2024 (Settlement is tentative until December 2024)"; Proposal 2, "Activity Plan and Income and Expenditure Plan for FY2025"; and Proposal 3, "Re-election of Co-Chairpersons Morikawa and Nakao as officers for FY2025 and appointment of a treasurer auditor ( Mr. Nishioka, Secretary General, explained the three proposals, "Re-election of Mr. Morikawa and Mr. Nakao as co-chairs and appointment of Mr. Mouri (KDDI) as a treasurer and auditor for FY2025. There were no objections to any of the proposals from the audience or members participating online, and all were approved.

Mr. Ogiwara, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications

Mr. Ogiwara, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications

Dr. Morikawa, The University of Tokyo

Dr. Morikawa, The University of Tokyo

After the deliberation on the agenda, Mr. Takayoshi Kagei, Director of the New Generation Mobile Communications Systems Promotion Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC), gave a lecture titled "Major Initiatives for Next Generation Information and Communications Beyond 5G and 'Beyond 5G ready Showcase' at the Osaka/Kansai Expo", introducing the latest initiatives of MIC regarding Beyond 5G and its plan to exhibit at the Osaka/Kansai Expo. The presentation introduced the latest initiatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications regarding Beyond 5G and its plan to exhibit at Expo 2010 Osaka/Kansai.

Mr. Kagei, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications

Mr. Kagei, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications

Mr. Yumoto, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications

Mr. Yumoto, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications

After the general meeting, an opinion exchange session was held, and Mr. Hironobu Yumoto, Director General of the Telecommunications Infrastructure Bureau of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, gave a speech as a guest of honor. The opinion exchange meeting was also attended by 136 participants, who engaged in lively exchanges. It was a valuable opportunity to deepen friendship among members and ended successfully.