Members talk about their expectations for the XG Mobile Promotion Forum


The XG Mobile Promotion Forum (XGMF) continues to promote and develop next-generation mobile technologies.
We value innovation and cooperation as a platform for paving the way to the future of communications technology and enriching people's lives. The driving force behind this is the passion and vision of each and every member of XGMF.
In this article, we would like to introduce our members' "thoughts on XGMF" from their own perspectives. By sharing their thoughts on this forum and the future of society and technology that they aim to achieve through this forum, we hope that you will feel closer to the vision that the XGMF envisions.
He spoke about the next-generation mobile future that XGMF will open up and the passion of the people behind it.

  • Hiroyuki Morikawa
  • co-chairman
    Hiroyuki Morikawa
Wireless communications will mature with 6G, while being assisted by 5G. As wireless communications permeate every corner of society, new markets will emerge not only in the telecommunications field, but also in a variety of industrial fields. It is my hope that the XGMF will be used to its fullest as a venue that contributes to the development of these new markets. There are many ways to use the XGMF, such as making requests to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, public relations/marketing, and involving stakeholders by taking advantage of its neutrality. I will help to make this a useful forum for the businesses of our member companies. Each and every one of our members is a key player, and I would be very happy if you could make full use of the XGMF.
  • Akihiro Nakao
  • co-chairman
    Akihiro Nakao
XGMF, as the organization driving 5G deployment and Beyond 5G R&D, aims to realize strategic and efficient investments based on global consensus building. 5G infrastructure development and investment cycles have been slow, with many countries failing to realize the full value of 5G, and monetization challenges have also been highlighted. and monetization challenges.
As continuous investment in telecommunications infrastructure becomes increasingly difficult, it is essential that future investments be made efficiently by identifying and aligning the overlapping priorities of each country at an early stage, and by selecting and focusing on the technologies that should be standardized. The development of 5G and 6G must be based on "globally agreed-upon values" such as robustness, high performance, wide-area coverage, energy conservation, and advanced mobility. The key to making the most of limited resources is to quickly identify these common values and to work on technology development and market formation at the right time, while keeping a close eye on international standardization trends.
Beyond 5G, the key themes are to realize "Network for AI" and "AI for Network". Network for AI" refers to the construction of infrastructure that enables AI to seamlessly work together and process very large scale data, while "AI for Network" refers to the use of AI to achieve autonomous network optimization and fault prediction. For example, the value of AI lies in its ability to predict, automatically repair, and optimize things that humans are unaware of, which is essential to achieving a sustainable communications infrastructure.
Beyond 5G will require not only the evolution of radio access (RAN) for 6G, but also next-generation communication technologies that integrate with and without lines, such as all-optical networks (APN) that connect AI clouds with fixed latency and ultra-low latency, high-capacity data transmission, and non-ground-based networks (NTN) that utilize space to provide extended coverage and robust communications beyond geographical constraints. (NTN) networks, which provide extended coverage and robust communications beyond geographic constraints.
"Alignment Makes an Impact". XGMF will cooperate with domestic and international companies and research institutions to identify common issues in each country as early as possible and to build a communications infrastructure that will grow with the world. Let us work together with the international community to pioneer the future of next-generation cyber infrastructure by promoting technology development and market formation based on "globally agreed-upon values.
  • Yoshihiro Kawahara
  • XGMF Facilitator
    Yoshihiro Kawahara
When I first got a cell phone compatible with the 3G communication standard, I still have a vivid memory of how excited I was to be able to access information from all over the world anytime, anywhere from a device that fits in the palm of my hand. A quarter of a century has passed since then. XGMF is an organization that is open to many people, not just those in the information and communications industry. Let us build a more exciting Japan through co-creation as industry, government, and academia join hands together.
  • Masanobu Fujioka
  • XGMF Facilitator
    Masanobu Fujioka
As 5G infrastructure evolves, it is expected that various industries, sports, entertainment, etc. will find new business opportunities by using it. In the course of this trial and error, we are sure to find many things that are missing even in 5G. In the XGMF, in parallel with activities to develop use cases for 5G, let us explore what the next generation, 6G, should look like.
  • Rika Ohyama
  • XGMF Facilitator
    Rika Ohyama
The telecommunications infrastructure continues to evolve every decade from 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, and now 5G, and from there to 6G, 7G...XG. I entered the telecommunications industry at the end of the 2G era and have witnessed many times that moment when "new value is created as the telecommunications infrastructure deepens. Until now, communications have been mainly used by people, but the era of communications being used by things has arrived. Various industries will utilize communication infrastructures as a matter of course, and new values will be created from them one after another. Furthermore, the creation of new businesses and services will accelerate as different industries intersect.
I look forward to working with you all to make XGMF an exciting place where projects that create new value are born one after another, connecting people across organizational boundaries.
  • Yosuke Ito
  • XGMF Facilitator
    Yosuke Ito
Through the evolution of XG, we are in an era of progress from the "industrialization of wireless" to the "wirelessization of industry" to the "social infrastructure of wireless". XG, which we are aiming for, is not merely an extension of communication technology, but a challenge to create a new form of society and industry based on a dramatic evolution of technology, a "discontinuity" so to speak. XGMF is a place where we can realize this challenge, expand new business possibilities, build a sustainable society, and develop Japan. With the expectation of "discontinuity" in mind, we will also seriously tackle the challenges that lie ahead of us. Through the challenges created by this contrast, we hope to open up new possibilities.
  • Keiichiro Shimada
  • XGMF Facilitator
    Keiichiro Shimada
XGMF - Historical Expectations I feel for "6G" Mobile Communications
Mobile communications (remote real-time communication via mobile terminals) has been around for about 130 years since Marconi. In that time, capabilities have improved by 12 to 16 orders of magnitude. Its advances have dramatically expanded its role. In the early days, due to its high cost burden, it could only be used for defense and other special operations purposes. Once cost performance improved by several orders of magnitude, it could be used for business and personal important communications. With a few orders of magnitude further improvement, uses for sympathetic purposes will become widespread, giving rise to the smartphone and social networking society of recent years. 6G mobile era will be the society, industry, and lifestyle that receives this next advancement. The real world and the artificial world will be connected, merged, and refluxed. Remote, automated, 3D, etc. will advance, and concepts called metaverse and digital twin will become widespread and contribute to solving social issues. These 5G, Beyond5G, and 6G organizations will promote the "creation of the future" with you.
  • Seiji Nishioka
  • Executive Director, XGMF
    Seiji Nishioka
The XGMF promotes the building of friendships and cooperative creation through projects that start with the "things we want to do" that each member company has in mind. The results are utilized in the business of each company and become the seeds for the next XGMF activity, creating a virtuous cycle that leads to the next stage of collaborative creation. XGMF is more than just a platform; we also hope to play a role as a foundation for international collaboration in the Beyond 5G/6G era. Let's share our vision for the next generation and pioneer the future together in this place where technological innovation and collaborative creation intersect.