CEATEC 2024 "5G/6G Special Day I"


 During CEATEC 2024, "5G/6G Special Day I" will be held on Wednesday, October 16 and Thursday, October 17.
 Day 1: In the morning session of "5G International Workshop: Latest Trends in Industrial Applications - 5G Communications for Dreams on Land, Sea, Air, and Space", lectures and panel discussions will be held on the latest trends and future prospects for industrial applications. In the afternoon, at the "Local 5G International Workshop: Global Frontiers of Factories and Manufacturing + Business Development Challenges," there will be lectures and panel discussions on the latest trends and technological developments in industrial 5G, including local 5G.
 On the second day, the "5G/6G International Conference," representatives and experts from governments, 6G promotion organizations, carriers, and vendors will be invited to speak on new policies, progress in R&D, use cases, and other issues in their respective countries, as well as to participate in panel discussions on initiatives to address challenges, industry-academia-government collaboration, 5G/6G migration, and more. The panel discussion will be aimed at sharing the direction to move forward to the next step, especially for 6G.

1 Date and time of the event
Wednesday, October 16, 2024, 10:00-12:30 and 14:00-17:00
Thursday, October 17, 2024, 10:30-16:30
2 Location of the event
Makuhari Messe International Conference Center Convention Hall A
Free of charge (all visitors must register for admission) *Online registration is required for admission.
Please apply for participation from the following website.

3 Conference Overview
[Name] "5G/6G Special Day I"
Co-sponsored by Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, XG Mobile Promotion Forum (XGMF), Association of Radio Industries and Businesses (ARIB),
The University of Tokyo

Day 1 (October 16)
(1) 10:00-12:30
5G International Workshop "The Latest Trends in Industrial Applications: 5G Communications for Dreams on Land, Sea, Air, and Space
[Summary] Latest trends and future prospects of industrial applications, etc.
[URL]. https://www.ceatec.com/en/conference/detail.html?id=2622
(2) 14:00-17:00
Local 5G International Workshop "Factories and Manufacturing + Global Frontiers of Business Development Challenges"
[Summary] Technology development and latest trends of industrial 5G including local 5G
[URL]. https://www.ceatec.com/en/conference/detail.html?id=2623

Day 2 (October 17)
(3) 10:30-16:30
5G/6G International Conference
[Summary] Progress of policies and R&D in each country, use cases, efforts to address issues, 5G/6G migration
[URL]. https://www.ceatec.com/en/conference/detail.html?id=2624

4 Programs
Day 1 (October 16)
(1) "5G International Workshop"
Latest Trends in industrial Use
- 5G Communications Spreading Dreams on Land, Sea, Sky, and Space - 10:00-12:30

10:00-10:05 Opening Remarks Hironobu Yumoto Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications

10:05-10:10 Opening Remarks Hiroyuki Morikawa XGMF co-chairman (The University of Tokyo)

10:10 - 11:30 《Presentation》
Presentation 1: Superconducting Maglev and Wireless Technology
Yo Koide Central Japan Railway Company
Presentation 2: 5G Automotive Association pioneering digital transformation in the automotive industry
Maxime Flament CTO, 5G Automotive Association
Presentation 3: Wind power generation, offshore communications 【working title】
Ray Tseng NOKIA, Head of ECE Sales, APAC
Presentation 4: The Changing Drone Industry with Mobile Communication and the Deployment of Smart Drones
Hiroshi Sugita CTO, KDDI SmartDrone Inc.
Presentation 5: Connecting Beyond the Sky
Ryuji Wakikawa SoftBank Corp.

11:45~12:25 《Panel Discussion》
"Spreading Dreams on Land, Sea, Sky, and Space"

Moderator: Rika Ooyama XGMF Facilitator (ON BOARD Co., Ltd.)
Commentator: Hiroyuki Morikawa XGMF co-chairman
(The University of Tokyo)

Panelist: Hiroki Shibayama 5G Automotive Association (NTT DOCOMO, INC.)
The four speakers listed above

12:25~12:30 《Closing》

(2) "Local 5G International Workshop - Global frontline of factories, manufacturing industries and business development - " 14:00-17:00

14:00-14:05 Opening Remarks Hiroyuki Ogawa Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications

14:05-15:35 《Presentation》
Presentation 1: Industrial 5G – State of the Union
Masakazu Shirota Japan Ambassador, 5G-ACIA
Presentation 2: Flexible Society Project:
Wireless Technologies and Solutions Supporting DX
Satoko Itaya FFPA
Presentation 3: Local 5G Integration / Case Study and Development of Positioing service
Gaku Hibi  KYOCERA Communication Systems Co., Ltd.
Presentation 4: Quantum annealing and local 5G transform factories into live factories
Koichiro Fujimoto NEC Corporation
Presentation 5: Shopping malls etc. 【working title】
Brian Huang REIGN Technology Corporation
Presentation 6: 5G Networks —Key Learnings in an Emerging Market
Thomas Fuerst Verizon Business Group

15:45-16:30 《Panel Discussion》
"Global frontline of factories, manufacturing industries and business development"

Moderator: Takehiro Nakamura XGMF ODAIBA IX Core project (NTT DOCOMO, INC)
Commentator: Gota Iwanami XGMF ODAIBA IX Core project (INFOCITY, INC)
Panelists: The four speakers listed above

16:30~16:40 《Speech》
Susumu Yoshida Professor Emeritus of Kyoto University

16:40-16:45 《Closing》

Day 2 (October 17)
(3) "5G/6G International Conference" 10:30-16:30

10:30 - 10:35 《Opening Remarks》
Koichi Takemura Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Telecommunications Bureau

10:35 - 11:35 《Lectures by government officials from various countries》
1: Hermano Tercius Ministry of Communications Secretary of Telecommunications 2: Matsui Masayuki Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications 3: Iwao Hosako National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) Executive Director, Beyond5G R&D Promotion Unit 4: Chung Jaehoon Ministry of Science and ICT Network Policy Diviso Director 5: Kim Phirun Ministry of Post and Telecommunications Adviser to the Ministry

11:35-12:35 《Panel Discussion》
"Latest trends in industrial use and future prospects"

Moderator: Akihiro Nakao XG Mobile Promotion Forum Co-chairman,Professor,
(The University of Tokyo)
Panelist: Matti Latva-aho 6G Flagship
Abhimanyu Gosain Northeastern University Senior Director
Paul Wijngaard TNO - National Research insitute of applied science Alliance Director 6G FNS Program Board

13:45-15:00 《Telecommunication carrier lectures from each country》
Takki Yu SK Telecom VP & Head of Infra Tech Office
Wang Xiaoyun China Mobile Chief Scientist, Deputy Chief Engineer
Eric Hadouin Orange VP, Networks and Infrastructures Research

15:00-16:15 《Vendors from each country Lecture》
Lorenzo Casaccia Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. Head of Technology Standards
Juho Lee Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Samsung Research Fellow (EVP of Technology)
Wen Tong Huawei Wireless CTO

16:15-16:25 《TSB Director's video Message to 5G-6G INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE》
Seizo Onoe International Telecommunication Union Director of the Telecommunication Standardization Bureau

16:25~16:30 《Closing Remarks》
Seiji Nishioka Association of Radio Industries and Businesses Executive Director