XG Mobile Promotion Forum held its inaugural general meeting.


The XG Mobile Promotion Forum (XGMF) held its inaugural meeting online on Friday, June 7, with 258 participants.
Considering the centralization of human resources and the unification of international contact points, the 5G Mobile Promotion Forum (5GMF) and the Beyond 5G Promotion Consortium (B5GPC) will be integrated to establish the new "XG Mobile Promotion Forum" on April 1, 2024. The forum has been discussing the organization structure, terms of reference, and other issues.
After the opening of the meeting, Mr. Takuro Hikawa, Director General of the Telecommunications Infrastructure Bureau of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, gave a speech as the guest of honor. Mr. Takuro Nishioka, Director General of the Telecommunications Infrastructure Bureau of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC), gave a speech in which he expressed his hope that the XGMF would have a promotion system that could translate his enthusiasm into tangible results.

Mr. Imagawa, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications

Mr. Imakawa, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications

Mr. Nishioka, ARIB

Mr. Nishioka, ARIB

After explaining the process of deliberation, including the rules and regulations up to the establishment meeting, Professor Hiroyuki Morikawa of the University of Tokyo and Professor Akihiro Nakao, also of the University of Tokyo, were proposed as co-chairs of XGMF, which was approved.

Dr. Morikawa, The University of Tokyo

Dr. Morikawa, The University of Tokyo

Dr. Nakao, University of Tokyo

Dr. Nakao, University of Tokyo

The two co-chairpersons greeted the audience, and Representative Morikawa spoke about the important point that XGMF contributes to member companies, that member companies should utilize XGMF with the project as the core, and that he and the secretariat will support the project, Mr. Nakao spoke about the importance of mobile infrastructure as a lifeline supporting society, his own substantive activities as a representative of XGMF, and the importance of expanding advanced applications and use cases.
After the opening remarks by the two co-chairs, the Preparatory Office presented an overview of the XGMF, including its objectives, activity policy, organizational structure, constitution, business plan, and income and expenditure plan, which were approved by the participants.
Three participants then made presentations on their "Expectations for XGMF Project Activities". Mr. Tomoaki Sato, General Manager of Network Services, Mobile & Network Division, Technology Unit, SOFTBANK Corporation, expressed his expectations for XGMF as a place where people can recognize the right issues and solve them (social implementation) with the right technology. Mr. Yusuke Kiga, General Manager of Next Generation Network & DX Strategy, Telecom Service Business Unit, NEC Corporation, expressed his desire for co-creation and realization of a better society through XGMF, and Ms. Miho Onizawa, President and Representative Director of INCRI Corporation, declared her challenge to create new values in cooperation with various industries. Ltd. presented their declarations of their challenge to create new value in collaboration with diverse industries. Mr. Nishioka, the moderator of the meeting, closed the general meeting with a request for registration as a regular member of XGMF.

Mr. Sato, Softbank

Mr. Sato, Softbank

Mr.Kiga, NEC

Mr.Kiga, NEC

Ms. Onizawa, incri.

Ms. Onizawa, incri.