[Members Only] Research Report "Hendrik Berndt's Survey of Beyond 5G R&D Trends in Europe and the United States" (March 2024) is now available.


The Association of Radio Industries and Businesses (ARIB) requested Dr. Berndt to compile this report. Dr. Berndt resides in Germany and for over 10 years had worked at DOCOMO Communications Laboratories Europe GmbH as its CTO/CSO. He also has, among other distinguished positions throughout his career, overseen several EU R&D projects. Dr. Berndt is the elected Vice-chair of the Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF) for Europe, Middle East and Africa.

A member’s ID and password are required to read this report.

Status Report on Beyond 5G Activities in Europe and the United States (March 17, 2024)

Executive Summary
EU Member States commit to cooperating on world-class quantum technologies
Horizon Europe's second strategic plan 2025-2027 on R&I just published
3. SNS JU at Mobile World Congress
Latest Results from Europe's 6G Flagship Hexa-X-II
United Kingdom joins Horizon Europe Program Paving 6G for North American Leadership
US Telecom Industry and Government Entities Have Begun Preparing for 6G
NextG Communications R&D Gaps Report
 8. Next G Alliances
 9. Upcoming 6G related events in Europe and the US

Hendrik Berndt's survey of Beyond 5G R&D trends in Europe and the United States